Some things I'm doing right now (last night, actually):

-Bleaching my hair (for the third time in two weeks -- this shit takes a while when you've had dyed dark hair for ages)

- making 'to-do' and 'to-pack' lists

- trying to think of what clothes to pack for our journey north-ward. Normally this wouldn't be much of a thought, but the thirsty part of me is thinking about my one-night-only pass to NYC to visit some friends. It's been a long time since I felt good wearing anything. I'd like to feel pretty awesome on that night, visiting a city I used to have a love affair with. One wants to look good on these occasions.

-thinking about going to bed, and how awesome it's going to feel when we someday get a bed we really love. Our current one is crap.

-wondering whether we should move to the country or the city.

-thinking about how fantastic the weather has been these past two days, and how lovely it's going to continue to be this weekend.

-thinking about sweaters and other things I like.

-browsing through pictures that illustrate the above thoughts.


Turned Out

(Some of the above images are unclaimed. Please claim them!)

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