This morning after Abbott went down for his morning nap I did what I do every morning and sat at our kitchen table with coffee, bouncing through other peoples' collections of Internet stuff. It's my favorite way to ignore the laundry downstairs or the living room I could be rearranging for the twentieth time.

One of the reasons I do this is for the kick in the pants I'm always talking about. I'm looking for things that will inspire me into action. It works, actually, most of the time. I make small notes in the margins of whatever and vow to take one certain projects at a later date. I'll get there, eventually, but for now I'm living vicariously through other artists who have the time to work with their hands on a daily basis.

Like Fanny Bostrum, New York artist whose blog I've spent the morning with. She brought me to the lovely work below (and above), and the places and people from which they came.

...Like this nice little series from The Makers that reminds me: I keep thinking about a career switch into floral arranging. It pops into my head and then pops back out when I realize I have no experience whatsoever. Still, it's been added to the list.

We'll talk about The List some other time.

...stills from the "outsider art" masterpiece Salvation Mountain...yikes...

...paintings by Chuck Webster...

...these last two were done by Fanny herself, the portrait leading me to her jewelry line and the painting to her work in 2008 here, on her site...

...and some rings by Karl Fritsch

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