I am so completely tired but can't fall asleep. Know what this reminds me of? This reminds me of earlier this year when I was pregnant and I could never get to sleep before Andrew (as if that ever changed, even for one night.) Back then, we lived in Mom's basement to save money for Andrew's Green Card. We watched a lot of movies in the evenings and he always fell right away when they ended, sometimes before.

I'd stay up and try to write, sometimes succeeding, though mostly not. I didn't have a blog then. Maybe I should have. I'd get up to pee every forty minutes and I'd brush the cat. When I did write it was one continual stream of thought that I'm sure I never ended up finishing. If I shut off the lights and tried to relax the baby would wake up or I couldn't get comfortable. I had that Pregnant Restless Leg Syndrome. Finally, I would fall asleep

Same went for when we first settled here in Carolina. Our bed was still in the bedroom and since Abbott was waking up to every noise we made instead of sleeping I would lie awake rather than sleep and, unconscious, moan or turn over or something. Our bed is in the living room now, thank goodness.

Tonight I think I'm just getting over being sick, or lagged from the nap I had earlier. Nice excuse for some strong tea and a biscuit?

1. Lush Retina via ffffound
2. Hannah Waldron via ffffound
3. Suicide Blonde


1. Ruth Reifen - Waiting for Godot ring via Design Break
2. via Intelligent Clashing
3. via Intelligent Clashing
4. House of Harlow
5. Oh, Pioneer!
6. the wild unknown


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