Ladies, have you ever received a piece of jewelry you loved from your mate? This year for Christmas I got a beautiful locket from Anthropologie (above) with a picture of Husband holding our baby inside. Just what I'd asked for. I think he sparked something in me because now I want more jewelry.

Ordinarily I wouldn't consider myself a material girl in the least (looks around at apartment full of things,) and certainly not one with rich tastes. But these necklaces I want. I want them.

Oh, and before Andrew I'd never dated anyone who celebrated Valentines Day with me, except in paltry ways. So I have a lot of catching up to do. Except for one or two (which I wouldn't expect), they are very affordable. Darling, are you getting the hint?

Hmm, what has happened to me?

1 comment:

rachel said...

thank you so much for including me! I truly appreciate it :)