...The West Wing in Season 4! I know I'm about nine years too late, but are you kidding me?!

For those of you who don't know, Andrew turned me on to the show about a month ago. For a year he'd mentioned that it was wonderful, that he'd seen the series twice before, that it was brilliant. Other friends of mine had done the same over the years, and for some reason I could never be bothered to watch it. What the hell was wrong with me? Anyway, the show has turned me into a twelve-year-old. Sometimes I get so giddy when I hear the theme song that I scream into my pillow. I haven't done this stuff since I was a teenager chain-smoking through Pacey and Joey's first kiss. Oh yes. I went there.

Also if you're like me and getting into this show late: I'm sorry to have ruined the depressing surprise you have awaiting you in season four. I don't care what Rob Lowe is like in real life, Sam was my favorite. He gives me the giggles.

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