

Since we're not paying for heat this winter (hooray for trying to save money) we've committed to only warming our apartment with our great little fireplace and a space heater. Once a night Andrew will put on his coat and go out in the yard to forage for branches and sticks for kindling, but at this point he's pretty much picked up everything that is dry enough to start a fire. What to do?

We are not about to pay $5/bundle at Lowes for kindling, so we decided to bring a large canvas sack with us on our nightly walk with the baby. We fortunately live in a city where there is regulated Yard Waste pick up, and so enormous piles of discarded dead branches were literally right in our path, waiting by the side of the road. We loaded up.

After our sack was packed full we walked downtown as it grew dark, looking for hot chocolate. Man, did we ever find it. Brew Nerds coffee shop has, without doubt, the best hot chocolate in North Carolina.

Obviously, we'll be doing this every week until it gets warm again.

top image via Design* Sponge

1 comment:

Heather said...

You might check your local online bulletin board like Craigslist for people offering their tree limbs for free if you remove them. Great workout and free! Heather