




thank you ok, folkloric, fieldguided, clever nettle, turned out


I mentioned Anna and Roy, a really great housewares shop (that, by the way, is having a sale right now, kids!) Now I'm turned onto the Anna and Roy blog, Bits and Babbles.

I love it. I think it's refreshing because it isn't trying to be anything, unlike so many others.

I had the pleasure of emailing back and forth with Liz herself, who happens to also be a stay-at-home Ma with several ideas and passions that are certainly there, but maybe are sacrificed for the sake of a lovely family. Something she wrote totally resonated with me.

This morning was my first time on Bits and Babbles, and I really just skimmed through the pretty images and made a mental note to spend more time actually reading it tonight.
Just now, I was touched by her recent post regarding her New Years Resolution. I recommend reading it yourself, as it might inspire you to find parts of yourself that you thought went missing.

Liz, if you're reading this: Keep on with the photography, I beg you.
I'm a fan!!!


I've been searching, lately, for the motivation to finally rediscover those small and large parts of me that I don't use anymore. People keep asking me how my painting is coming, for instance, and the truth is I haven't painted in years. Years. When I talk to friends about how poor we are, they always ask, "Why don't you sell some of your work?" My work?

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